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Marissa Steinberger

My work has always been about learning ways to feel better in my body, heart, and mind- and learning to help others, too. My health struggles were, and continue to be, my greatest teachers. As a child, my challenges with health led me to alternative health practitioners. There was a vibrant healing arts community where I grew up in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Learning how to heal my asthma, severe allergies, and sensitivities led me to a naturopath doctor who taught me about the healing properties of foods and herbs. She also introduced me to meditation and visualization, which have been foundational in my life. My upbringing gave me a deep love for ceremony, earth-based spirituality, music… and all forms of healing.

My first career was as an esthetician and massage therapist.  I loved my 18 years in the spa industry. In my spa experience, I cultivated deep listening and compassionate care. Now, I use my education in Biopsychology and wellness to help people understand and care for themselves.  We can use breath, mindfulness, sound healing, nutrition, and stress resilience practices to care for the body, mind, and heart.


Happiest when learning and sharing knowledge, I get most excited about the intersections of science and holistic health.  My biggest aspiration is to bring compassion and mindfulness into every aspect of my life—it’s a practice! I’m committed to using the human experience, both the struggles and the successes, as opportunities for understanding and growth. Marriage and becoming a mother have provided a fantastic experiential lab for testing self-regulation and returning to my heart. All my learning is dedicated to the greater good, to love all, to serve all, and to my ever-constant prayer, “May all beings be happy, may all beings be well.”

    • BA Biopsychology Mills College   
    • Certified Integrative Wellness Coach IIN 
    • Certified Sound Healing Practitioner CIIS
    • Heart Math Mentor
    • Reiki Master
    • Yoga of The Voice Sylvia Nakkach
    • Mindfulness Tara Brach